Save a Soul

Save a soul. Give a hug. A smile will not hurt. Extend your generosity to those outside your inner circle. Always give something. If money is the only thing we can give then those who
have limited access to it will be excused from this subject.
Guess what? We were existing before the advent of money. We created money. Consequently, we can create other things and give stupendously. We can create time, generate ideas, give counsel, connection or contact, material, home, job, comfort, man power and many more. Always have something good to give. Save a soul today

Give moral lessons to children that are not yours. It will eventually save yours. The boy you neglet today may abuse you daughter tomorrow. The girl you mock today may be a Jezebel tomorrow.  The less you give the more you accumulate the unnecessary. The more work to be done. A waterbody that never flows to nowhere ends up accumulating more dirts than others that are always flowing. Keep giving to keep the flow and remain fresh. Save a soul.

It is the size of the heart not of the gift that matters. 
Considering the quantity of what you give is alright but much more important is the intention of your action. In giving, do not compete. Do not give to oppress, impress or dominate. Do not give to enslave or become a demigod to someone. Tables still turn. As much as you do not want to think of it, you may be in their position tomorrow. Do not become a modern slave trader all in the name of giving. Do not attach a rope of limitation around the neck of the recipient. Save a soul.

Give like your next breath depends on it. Frustration is the lot of any man that only focuses on getting rather than giving. Give to express Love, care and concern. What you give is like a seed. It has the potency of producing more.   Should your gift become a curse? Should people prefer to starve than to receive from you? Give to make better not bitter. Give that lady the help she needs without asking for a date. Introduce that young man to what will make him great without having him be your "male-side-chick". Save a soul.

Some give to be noticed. They want make a Press Conference about every donation. If there must be a Press Conference before you give to your next door neighbour then be prepare to see the Press doubled when you will be begging to feed from hand to mouth. Save your soul in advance.

Some give to get back. They have a long list of those they can benefit from one way or the other. Expecting to receive from those you give is simply silly. Some use their gifts to make room for them even before the king in a cunning way. Their gifts ensnare the judge and pervasion of judgment becomes inevitable. Do not give gifts to subvert judgment. Why should your gift lead you to your downfall? Give to save a soul, my dear.

Give and never look back. "Cast your bread upon the waters: for you will find it after many days". Do not restrict yourself. Money leaving your life is not equal to money living your life. Giving has never reduced anyone so it will not start from you. If you think giving reduces you then God should have been stranded by now. But it's obvious that God never runs dry. Never! He gives to save souls.

Do not despise the poor. Those that are impoverished in wisdom, wealth or material possession need your support. It is a beautiful thing to lift others up. In fact, it creates less tension for you. Who is a rich man amongst several impoverished people? He will soon be reduced to their level if he does not empower them. Establish a soul. See to the growth of a fellow. They do not have to be your relative. They do not have to merit it. They do not have to be your colour or race. Just be determined to save a soul.

If you can help your neighbour now, don't say, 'Come back tomorrow, and then I'll help you.'

It is true that some people abuse it. Stop giving people what they do not need. You may end up helping them fulfill their lust. What some need is an idea not money. Give them money and they will at your door tomorrow. How about a good idea that helps them replicate the money they have. Knowing what to give takes an effort on your part to decipher the situation and need of the person. Meticulously release your resources. Impulsive giving often tends to regret. You may have to make some background check on some beneficiaries (unknown to them) before deciding if/ what to give. Wisely save a soul.

 Some do not appreciate it. Others never come back to say thank you. But who can drain the ocean? Who can sap the air from the atmosphere all to himself?  Mismanagement of resources is not only when you spend prodigally but also when you do not give generously. The more you give the greater you become. "Givers never lack" they say. Save a soul.

Give until you become a gift. Give and save a soul today.

The best gift you can give a friend is the secret of what makes things work for you. For me, that Secret is Jesus Christ! Halleluyah!!! 

Five 'Gs' to remember:
 Generosity Generates Greater Giving Grace

Inspired by: Ecc.11:1, IICor.8:9, IICor.9:8-10, Luk.6:38, Prov.3:27

I am Gabriel.
